AQ Advanced Hair Complex

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AQ Advanced Hair Complex

Post by cloud9 » Sat Nov 06, 2010 6:18 am

I got an email about a new product called AQ Advanced Hair Complex . Its new from the people that brought you A&G ( that didn't do Jack for me . $200 bucks down the drain ) Below is the email they sent me. I also posted this on regrowth .Take a look.

Email. This is a "heads up" solely to people who have expressed interest in the new Stem Cell hair treatment serum I've been talking about for the past month. The first batch will be available Saturday, November 20th. The distributor is getting 500 boxes total, of which I have reserved 200 for myself, my extended family members and a few of my subscribers. This is an ADVANCED NOTICE solely for people who have expressed an interest in getting this product. Here's some more info on the product. An early prototype has been on the market for about a year - and got RAVE reviews! The product was created by an MD and scientific researcher at a major medical school who like most doctors had little experience in marketing. He was overwhelmed, to put it mildly, at what happened. First, the demand was HUGE... so much so that he couldn't keep up. The primary ingredient in this product (as you'll see shortly) takes a long time to manufacture and is very expensive. As a result, this first product quickly SOLD OUT. Second, people were pissed off when there were delays. (In the Internet era, people want things right now!) Consequently, the group producing this prototype product pulled back and spent the last year further perfecting the product, making it even more powerful. As I mentioned, the product is a super-concentrated serum made up of chemical compounds known as "growth factors" ethically derived from adult human stem cells. The growth factors come from something called Human Fibroblast Conditioned Media (HFCM). We've written about this on our website. In essence, adult human stem cells are isolated and grown in "media" (like the media in petri dishes). These stem cells are maintained in controlled conditions and are coaxed to secrete these potent growth factors, proteins and cytokines that, it is claimed, rejuvenate dormant hair follicles. Do a Google search on HFCM and you'll find out tons about it. To the degree that stem cell hair growth research is going anywhere, it's going there with this pathway - not with "hair cloning." It is NOT an instant cure but, the researchers claim, it actually works. You grow NEW hair and, unlike the peach fuzz grown with Minoxidil, it is permanent (terminal) hair. The product comes in little syringe vials and is so powerful it is literally dripped on your scalp with a syringe! A number of other companies are pursuing this research but they've made a business decision to pursue a product that they can market as a DRUG, available only by prescription. The problem is, to market a drug requires years of testing and certification by the government. The best guess is that a drug-based version of this product may be on the market in THREE years, maybe longer. Three more years! Yikes. But another research team decided to file for a patent (Patent Pending Status) and develop a TOPICAL treatment they could market, not as a drug, but as a "cosmeceutical," similar to an anti-aging cream. The amazing thing is, it's been through clinical testing and the FDA has exempted it for sale - not as a "drug" but as a "cosmeceutical." Okay, now here is where I come in. (I believe in being open and honest.) The MD/PhD who developed this product realized he needed a seasoned, professional marketing team and has recently partnered with a health care marketing professional to collaborate on the manufacturing and distribution of the product, and he subsequently came to me, of all people, for help in getting the word out about this product. (Our little amateur website is probably now one of the top websites that follows developments in stem cell hair treatments.) We agreed that we would (a) help test the product ourselves and (b) offer it to our subscribers in exchange for a sales commission. (So, yes, if you agree to be a test subject we will make some money off of this.) Now, let me tell you why I think this MIGHT be the "real deal." (I am a jaded skeptic like most of us and so I'm not making any promises until I see the new hair on my head myself.) First, the health care marketing professional that is collaborating on the manufacture and distribution of the product is like a giddy school boy about it. He gives me reports almost DAILY about how much new hair he is getting. He's been bald for 39 years and has worn a hair piece every day of his life for 27 years... and he can't believe what he is seeing with his own eyes! (Just imagine seeing NEW hair sprout up when none was before! Even if it's just 20% more hair, you'd be amazed!) Second, the science behind this seems solid and truly cutting edge. I'm no scientist, but this is what I understand. There are literally HUNDREDS of these "growth factors" produced in HFCM and this product is a proprietary, concentrated blend of those proven to stimulate hair follicle rejuvenation. For example, there are several growth factors that are vascular stimulators. When a tissue receives adequate blood supply, the needed nutritional ingredients can be supplied to the cell and literally bring it "back to life." If you do a little Internet research on HFCM, you'll discover that there are one or two companies already marketing "growth factor" products - usually just a single one. But this product is a super-potent serum made up of a blend of key growth factors designed for maximum stimulation of hair follicles as well as carefully eliminating growth factors that harm hair follicles function. It's the correct BALANCE of these growth factors that is the key to this product's success. So, here's the bottom line. I'm going to try this myself and give you a full report. There are NO GUARANTEES that this will work... but if you'd like to be an "early adopter," then I suggest you act RIGHT NOW. We're going to make available 200 boxes (actually, 180 after I get mine) on Saturday, November 13th - one week prior to the official launch of the product Because you asked to be informed when this product becomes available, you can pre-order in advance and be sure to get one of these remaining 180 boxes. (Actually, I can't guarantee even that because 671 people are on our "pre-order" please-tell-me-the-moment-it's-available list and so it's POSSIBLE, although unlikely, that this will sell out... BEFORE IT EVEN GOES ON SALE!) Anyway, I've kept you in suspense long enough. The name of the product is AQ Advanced Hair Complex+. (An early, less potent version of it was marketed as A&G Active Serum with Human Fibroblast Conditioned Media.) Do a Google search and find out whatever you can about it. I'll be happy to answer any questions to the best of my ability. You can pre-order one of 180 boxes reserved for our subscribers by clicking on the link below: PRE-ORDER ADVANCED HAIR COMPLEX+ or you can paste the link below into your browser: Best wishes, Julian P.S. If you can't order now, don't sweat it. A second shipment of 500 boxes is being manufactured and should be available in a few months or even weeks. P.P.S. It may take up to ONE WEEK to get your shipment but probably a lot less. If you order today, the shipment should go out via UPS or Priority Mail (in a discrete package) on Saturday, November 13th, and you should get it the following week.

Last Edited On Nov-6-2010 at 9:24 AM.

11/6/2010 9:19 AM

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Re: AQ Advanced Hair Complex

Post by Fizzball » Sat Nov 06, 2010 6:57 am

I don't know whats worse... reading this wall of text or looking at that 1990 esque telemarket designed website.

If this product is more 'advanced' than the previous edition why are they still using the same pictures they have been pushing for years based on the old formula?

I have nothing really to add to this other than the observations above, it may work it may not work so I guess the balls in your court on this one to try it out and see what occurs.
Don't mistake my optimism for stupidity

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Re: AQ Advanced Hair Complex

Post by cloud9 » Sat Nov 06, 2010 7:19 am

I tried the old version an got burned big time . Just wanted to no what others think.

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Re: AQ Advanced Hair Complex

Post by Irishpete » Sat Nov 06, 2010 10:55 am

Shamed to say I got burnt myself twice with the original.

They are using the same old photos!

The Advanced Hair Complex Study Result Chart displayed is the same as the original Hair Study Result Chart!

Stay away folks!

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Re: AQ Advanced Hair Complex

Post by Pete2 » Sun Nov 07, 2010 3:03 am

Id be intersted if they are addressing the underlying damage in MPB with their formula?

Pete :)

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Re: AQ Advanced Hair Complex

Post by mitcky » Sun Nov 07, 2010 10:07 am

Sadly....I never lost as much hair as when I used A&G.

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Re: AQ Advanced Hair Complex

Post by sawyer3 » Fri Nov 12, 2010 8:40 pm

Can someone tell me what are the percentage of the ingredients they use in their formula ?

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Re: AQ Advanced Hair Complex

Post by rosariorose9 » Sat Nov 13, 2010 8:52 pm

Didn't lose any hair after using the original formula, but didn't gain any either. It'll definitely take some serious convincing to get me to try the 'new and improved' version...

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Re: AQ Advanced Hair Complex

Post by 0416Dr » Tue Nov 16, 2010 1:00 am

This product is one big joke.
I went to buy a camouflage jacket the other day but I couldn't find any.

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Re: AQ Advanced Hair Complex

Post by omso » Tue Feb 19, 2013 3:57 am

Dear ;

Please i want to know how i can get this product, send me your contact number and address

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Re: AQ Advanced Hair Complex

Post by Jacob » Tue Feb 19, 2013 5:01 pm

:?: Did you read the other threads on this?

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