Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G- Hair Complex

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by hairikrishna » Fri Jul 03, 2009 8:09 am

Sounds wonderful! I can't wait to see the 'before' HC pics of yourself Doc.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Jacob » Fri Jul 03, 2009 3:26 pm

Dr.AQ wrote:Hey Jacob, good to see you again, been a while.
There is no such thing as GF mimicking peptides (based on my scientific knowledge) but lets assume there is such thing, why not use the actual GFs? what advantage is there by using mimicking peptides?
There is something seriously wrong with this sentence "rebuilding the skin’s circulatory system" (again my opinion). I wish rebuilding the circulatory system is that easy, growing hair will be the least of our problems.

Jacob, did you find out who developed the product? who's behind it?
Caregen is behind it. Some info on the GF mimicking peptides: http://www.in-cosmeticsasia.com/Exhibit ... ue-C_1.pdf

On GF mimicking peptides..why not use actual GF's?....my guess is price(even when nanosomed)..stability...etc. There is SOD and then there are SOD mimetics. Various reasons for using those as well.

I have a friend who's had heart surgery and has other vascular problems...and have heard and read about our bodies creating new blood vessels..to work around weak and blocked ones..etc. Now I'm sure that isn't what the Dermaheal ingredient is capable of \:D/ but the "rebuilding the skin's circulatory system" should be a little easier..whatever that actually means.

I thought this was an interesting read: http://archfaci.ama-assn.org/cgi/reprint/3/1/28.pdf

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Dr.AQ » Fri Jul 03, 2009 10:04 pm

New blood vessel formation is known in medicine as ' angiogenesis' . This usually associated with tumors. What your friend is describing is when there is a blockade or narrowing in the vessels, nearby vessels will compensate to supply or drain a local tissue. New blood vessel formation is possible and can be stimulated by chemokines.
Caregen use E.coli to produce Gfs and then convert them into powders :?: . This allows companies/ manufacturers to develop products and legally allow them to list GFs on their ingredients (big marketing point). I guess the question here will be, which is better Fresh orange juice or Tang?
Thanks for the links.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by p__ » Sat Jul 04, 2009 5:51 am

Dr.AQ wrote:New blood vessel formation is known in medicine as ' angiogenesis' . This usually associated with tumors.
Just to be clear, for those reading this, angiogenesis is completely normal and in no way implies or requires a tumor. Naturally, when tumors grow they often require new blood vessel formation to supply them with blood. However, that is just a special case when angiogenesis takes place. Other cases are wound healing and normal growth and development. Even (aerobic) excercise is associated with angiogenesis.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Dutchhairloss » Sat Jul 04, 2009 6:32 am

Isn´t there a difference between angiogenesis (the forming of new bloodvessels) and neovascularisation (the making of new capillaries as is happening in wound healing)

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by p__ » Sat Jul 04, 2009 2:52 pm

Swoosh wrote:WTF are you talking about? P__ and dutch seem to have conflicting opinions on what angiogenesis involves.
Vascularization is a type of angiogenesis. Angiogenesis is involved in wound healing (as is neovascularization) and a number of other processes. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. But that doesn't matter. The point is that angiogenesis is nothing bad or "unnatural" as such and it occurs all the time in a healthy body.
Dr.AQ wrote:There is no such thing as GF mimicking peptides (based on my scientific knowledge)
Hehe, it seems there is. Mimicking peptides are nothing out of the ordinary in general. Apparently, there are GF mimicking peptides as well.
Dr.AQ wrote:what advantage is there by using mimicking peptides?
Dr.AQ wrote:Caregen use E.coli to produce Gfs and then convert them into powders :?: . This allows companies/ manufacturers to develop products and legally allow them to list GFs on their ingredients (big marketing point). I guess the question here will be, which is better Fresh orange juice or Tang?
I don't think that is a valid argument. Something doesn't have to be better just because it is produced the way the body produces it. Take corticosteroids for instance. Today there are plenty of synthetic drugs with corticosteroid-like effect that are preferable and sometimes far more efficent than the ones produced by the body. There are countless other examples in medicine and other fields. Just like Jacob said, sometimes it's a question of increased stability, sometimes they are more potent, sometimes they are more bioavailable, sometimes they are cheaper to produce and yield the same result. Sometimes they are worse. So, I'm not saying that they are better, just that we cannot religously judge it just by the fact that is a mimicking peptide instead of a "real" peptide. We need a good scientific reason to judge it, backed by some sort of valid study.
Last edited by p__ on Mon Jul 06, 2009 6:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Joanne » Sat Jul 04, 2009 5:24 pm

All excellent points P____.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Dr.AQ » Sat Jul 04, 2009 10:59 pm

p__ wrote:
Swoosh wrote:WTF are you talking about? P__ and dutch seem to have conflicting opinions on what angiogenesis involves.
Vascularization is a type of angiogenesis. Angiogenesis is involved in wound healing (as is neovascularization) and a number of other processes. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. But that doesn't matter. The point is that angiogenesis is nothing bad or "unnatural" as such and it occurs all the time in a healthy body.
Dr.AQ wrote:There is no such thing as GF mimicking peptides (based on my scientific knowledge)
Hehe, it seems there is. Mimicking peptides are nothing out of the ordinary in general. Apparently, there are GF mimicking peptides as well.
Dr.AQ wrote:what advantage is there by using mimicking peptides?
Dr.AQ wrote:Caregen use E.coli to produce Gfs and then convert them into powders :?: . This allows companies/ manufacturers to develop products and legally allow them to list GFs on their ingredients (big marketing point). I guess the question here will be, which is better Fresh orange juice or Tang?
I don't think that is a valid argument. Something doesn't have to be better just because it is produced the way the body produces it. Take corticosteroids for instance. Today there are planty of synthetic drugs with corticosteroid-like effect that are preferable and sometimes far more efficent than the ones produced by the body. There are countless other examples in medicine and other fields. Just like Jacob said, sometimes it's a question of increased stability, sometimes they are more potent, sometimes they are more bioavailable, sometimes they are cheaper to produce and yield the same result. Sometimes they are worse. So, I'm not saying that they are better, just that we cannot religously judge it just by the fact that is a mimicking peptide instead of a "real" peptide. We need a good scientific reason to judge it, backed by some sort of valid study.
- Angiogenesis is always been associated with tumor formation. The wound healing vascular formation does not involve angiostatin.
- GF mimicking peptides have to be established based on molecular weight, structure and charge. After establishing this, they will need to show that these peptides can bind to their corresponding receptor(s) on the cell or can be taking in the cell via a specific pathway. To my knowledge this has not been shown. In science you will need to prove it first not the other way around. So your assumption that there are GF mimicking peptides because we have corticosteriods, is not scientific. I told you in the past that I was involved as a consultant for a company that was planning to deal with Caregen, Our research did not find any evidence to support the GF mimicking peptides theory. Soon after that, a group in Korea where Caregen is big, came out with the same conclusion. Their findings were published in a local scientific journal (in korean).
I am not sure if there are any synthetic peptides that are better than what the body is naturally producing. Organic Vs inorganic !!! :?

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Dr.AQ » Sat Jul 04, 2009 11:00 pm

HAPPY 4th Everyone..

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by p__ » Sun Jul 05, 2009 4:02 am

Dr.AQ wrote:- Angiogenesis is always been associated with tumor formation.
English is not my first language and maybe I'm misunderstanding what you are saying, but are you claiming that angiogenesis always implies tumor formation? That would be a statement that borders on bizarre, IMO!

Maybe we're getting into semantics, but I think it's the other way around. Tumor formation is (to some extent) associated with angiogenesis. Angiogenesis is associated with a range of activities in the body, most of them normal and healthy. Some cars are red, but that doesn't mean that everything red is a car. Cancer is associated with tiredness. But you do not risk cancer every time you feel tired in the evening. Tumors cause angiogenesis, not the other way around. The point I was trying to make is that I wouldn't somehow discredit a competitor by overstressing the link between angiogenesis and tumors just because they mention increased blood flow to the scalp.
Dr.AQ wrote:In science you will need to prove it first not the other way around.
Agreed. That goes for the AGHC as well... :P
Dr.AQ wrote:So your assumption that there are GF mimicking peptides because we have corticosteriods, is not scientific.
Huh? Where on earth did I say that? You missed the point completely! The conclusion I made was that you cannot call mimicking peptides "Tang" and your GFs "OJ" solely based on a the fact that the production process is not similar to the one in the body. That is all. Nowhere did I claim that GF mimicking peptides are in fact better or that they even work. I'm saying they could be better. It was a theoretical response to your question why one want to use mimicking peptides. Synthetic corticosteroids-like substances were just an example of a situation where something that is foreign to the body is produced and is more effective or more practical than the body's own substances. As I'm sure you already know, there is plenty of scientific evidence for the efficacy of peptidomimetics in general, for what it's worth.

Anyway, you are absolutely right they have to show that their GF mimicking peptides actually work before a consumer should trust them. Similarly, you have to show that the AGHC works. After all, if you require them to prove their claims scientifically, why shouldn't you? I know, I know, the FDA etc... :)
Dr.AQ wrote:I told you in the past that I was involved as a consultant for a company that was planning to deal with Caregen
Ah, I must have missed the part where you said it was another company planning to deal with Caregen. I got the impression it you dealt directly with Caregen. That explains why Caregen didn't know you when they were asked about you! Thank you for the clarification!
Dr.AQ wrote:Our research did not find any evidence to support the GF mimicking peptides theory.
Interesting! That should mean that, in your current opinion, Caregen is either misleading us or plain out wrong when they claim that their mimicking peptides are effective at all?

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Dr.AQ » Sun Jul 05, 2009 9:51 am

Angiogensis means blood creation (literally). In medicine now, when you say angiogenesis, they will assume that you are talking about cancer. Try googling angiogenesis and you will see what I am talking about. That's the point I was making.
Now, mimicking peptides will never be better than naturally produce peptides, because by default the fact that we are mimicking them.
My opinion on Caregen has nothing to do with them being our competitors. I was just expressing my opinion and my experience with them. GFs produced directly from Fibroblast and used in conditioning media has been proven and been accepted in the scientific community. A&G does not need to reinvent the wheel.
P__ your English is great..

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by p__ » Sun Jul 05, 2009 11:00 am

Dr.AQ wrote:Angiogensis means blood creation (literally). In medicine now, when you say angiogenesis, they will assume that you are talking about cancer. Try googling angiogenesis and you will see what I am talking about. That's the point I was making.
Now, mimicking peptides will never be better than naturally produce peptides, because by default the fact that we are mimicking them.
My opinion on Caregen has nothing to do with them being our competitors. I was just expressing my opinion and my experience with them. GFs produced directly from Fibroblast and used in conditioning media has been proven and been accepted in the scientific community. A&G does not need to reinvent the wheel.
P__ your English is great..
Look at it this way:
If the AGHC works as advertised, it would be reasonable to assume there will be some angiogenesis when previously atrophied follicles return to their healthy state. Wouldn't it be unfair if your competitors were to allude to the link between angiogenesis and cancers when discussing the AGHC? Just because the AGHC (if it works) likely results in some angiogenesis when the follicles resume their full operation, surely you wouldn't say that there is some sort of link to tumors? Correlation does NOT mean causality!

Anyway, I think we will have to agree to disagree on some of these issues! :)

By the way, what do you think about Kamui's results? He has taken some photos at the beginning of the treatment and at day 92.

The baseline photo is here (actually day 30): http://my.hairlossfight.com/pg/photos/a ... aircomplex
The "day 92" and "day 16 after second round" photos are here: http://my.hairlossfight.com/pg/photos/a ... aircomplex

Do you see any progress in this specific case?

Last edited by p__ on Mon Jul 06, 2009 6:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Dr.AQ » Sun Jul 05, 2009 4:19 pm

After looking at the pictures for 15 min. I was only able to see improvements when I place them side by side. You will have to factor out the focusing, lights and day 75 (styling issues).
Now what do I mean by improvements:
1- NO signs of hair loss
2- the bald spot got smaller

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by goten574 » Sun Jul 05, 2009 5:23 pm

Dr.AQ wrote:After looking at the pictures for 15 min. I was only able to see improvements when I place them side by side. You will have to factor out the focusing, lights and day 75 (styling issues).
Now what do I mean by improvements:
1- NO signs of hair loss
2- the bald spot got smaller
It's true that it hasn't gotten any worse butthe bald spot getting smaller...? I don't see it. In my opinion, it is not worth $200 for those kind of results (if you would call them results). Extremely poor, extremely dissapointing

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by hairikrishna » Sun Jul 05, 2009 9:49 pm

It's too early to make a judgement call in my opinion. It's not going to fill in the entire bald spot in that amount of time. It's a gradual process and not something you would expect overnight I suppose. I still see hairs coming in around my temple area and if I get more and they all stay in place then it was worth the $200.00 investment for me. I'm already into my 13th week since I applied HC. I'll continue to post my results but so far so good. Not expecting overnight miracles, but I hope that after I reach the 15th week mark I truly begin to see more terminal hairs in place. I cant' wait to see Dr. AQ's 'before' pic that he promised to post here. Have a great week everyone.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by intricate1 » Sun Jul 05, 2009 10:45 pm

hairikrishna wrote:It's too early to make a judgement call in my opinion. It's not going to fill in the entire bald spot in that amount of time. It's a gradual process and not something you would expect overnight I suppose. I still see hairs coming in around my temple area and if I get more and they all stay in place then it was worth the $200.00 investment for me. I'm already into my 13th week since I applied HC. I'll continue to post my results but so far so good. Not expecting overnight miracles, but I hope that after I reach the 15th week mark I truly begin to see more terminal hairs in place. I cant' wait to see Dr. AQ's 'before' pic that he promised to post here. Have a great week everyone.
R u shedding any hairs? If so what size?

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by hairikrishna » Sun Jul 05, 2009 11:16 pm

I'm not shedding any hairs or more specifically any of the HC hairs that are coming in if that is what you're referring to. As soon as I notice this I'll report it here though. I'm being as patient as I can be since I'm already at week 13 since applying HC. I used a 330 diode laser helmet when I applied HC so I was hoping for quicker results all over by now.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by hairikrishna » Mon Jul 06, 2009 11:50 am

Doc, I was hoping you may be able to offer me a suggestions, ideas, and or solutions based on your own personal experience regarding scalp sebum plugs. This plea also goes out to anyone else reading this. It has been 13 weeks since applying HC and I have been plagued with more sebum plugs on my scalp. I shampoo my hair/scalp daily as I have for most of my life. Generally, I use a clarifying shampoo to remove hair product gunk, dirt, sebum oil, etc. and my hair generally feels clean afterwards. Last night I was touching my scalp and gently running my fingernails all over. I felt a few bumps so I dug in a bit into the scalp only to have a sebum plug come out. I examined the sebum plug or sebum hardened bead closely and noticed a few with terminal and vellus hairs still attached. Short of having a scalp peel, I was wondering if there was a way to dissolve/emulsify these sebum plugs. Are there any product suggestions, home remedies, massage techniques that you know of?

Also Doc, I was wondering if the increase in sebum plugs could have anything to do with Hair Complex?

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Dr.AQ » Mon Jul 06, 2009 9:14 pm

hairikrishna wrote:Doc, I was hoping you may be able to offer me a suggestions, ideas, and or solutions based on your own personal experience regarding scalp sebum plugs. This plea also goes out to anyone else reading this. It has been 13 weeks since applying HC and I have been plagued with more sebum plugs on my scalp. I shampoo my hair/scalp daily as I have for most of my life. Generally, I use a clarifying shampoo to remove hair product gunk, dirt, sebum oil, etc. and my hair generally feels clean afterwards. Last night I was touching my scalp and gently running my fingernails all over. I felt a few bumps so I dug in a bit into the scalp only to have a sebum plug come out. I examined the sebum plug or sebum hardened bead closely and noticed a few with terminal and vellus hairs still attached. Short of having a scalp peel, I was wondering if there was a way to dissolve/emulsify these sebum plugs. Are there any product suggestions, home remedies, massage techniques that you know of?

Also Doc, I was wondering if the increase in sebum plugs could have anything to do with Hair Complex?
I suspect sebum plugs are a result of increased oil secretion from the sebaceous glands, usually you get this as a result of these reasons but not limited to them:
1- fatty diet (including chocolate)
2- medications (hormone replacement therapy)
3- infection
4- increase sebaceous gland secretion is also associated with hair growth

Knowing all this, what do you think is causing it?
They usually go away with time. From my experience steam help clear them too.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by intricate1 » Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:25 am

Doc if I could afford to apply the hc year around every three months would there be anything wrong with that and can you say for sure that this would be safe? The reason I say this is because I just love the way my scalp feels on and 3 month after the hc application.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by hairikrishna » Tue Jul 07, 2009 11:43 am

Dr.AQ wrote:
I suspect sebum plugs are a result of increased oil secretion from the sebaceous glands, usually you get this as a result of these reasons but not limited to them:
1- fatty diet (including chocolate)
2- medications (hormone replacement therapy)
3- infection
4- increase sebaceous gland secretion is also associated with hair growth

Knowing all this, what do you think is causing it?
They usually go away with time. From my experience steam help clear them too.
I suspect it may be all the above as you have suggested. lol. Seriously though it has more to do with a stimulated sebaceous gland secretion that I suspect is associated with using HC. Hopefully the end result will be thicker fuller hair in the diffuse areas of my scalp. I know you may have mentioned this before but when would one consider doing another round of HC? I don't want to do a 2nd round really if I don't need to. I'm already in my 3rd week since applying HC and the visible results have been somewhat minimal. I can't say for certain if any HC resurrected hair has turned vellus since I do not have a hand held digital microscope as of this response. I should be getting this shortly and I will post my pics.

As for trying to stay ahead of the sebum plugs, I think I may try to tackle this issue by having more frequent professional scalp massages to clear the pores of the hardened junk. I may also visit one of the saunas that offer a steam sauna. I don't think the dry sauna is as effective imo. I wish we had a Korean sauna where I stay. From a practical standpoint, the Koreans, Russians, & Japanese regard saunas as a way to eliminate toxins from the skin and treat their spa/bathouses as such. Lots of manual exfoliation and time spent in the sauna.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by intricate1 » Tue Jul 07, 2009 2:13 pm

Doc when I was applying the hc a drop accidentaly got into my eye, I washed it with water and it just seems to be irritated a bit should I be worried?

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Dr.AQ » Tue Jul 07, 2009 9:38 pm

intricate1 wrote:Doc when I was applying the hc a drop accidentaly got into my eye, I washed it with water and it just seems to be irritated a bit should I be worried?
There is no concern, I experience it myself and by the time I got to my office my left eye was back to normal.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Dr.AQ » Tue Jul 07, 2009 10:12 pm

intricate1 wrote:Doc if I could afford to apply the hc year around every three months would there be anything wrong with that and can you say for sure that this would be safe? The reason I say this is because I just love the way my scalp feels on and 3 month after the hc application.
There is no harm in using the HC as frequent as you want. Its better to leave a gap between treatments.
(I am just answering intricate question and not promoting AGHC)

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by goten574 » Wed Jul 08, 2009 7:35 am

I don't remember if I asked this before so anyway...

Dr AQ, prior to using Hair Complex, did you have male pattern baldness or was it another type of hair loss?

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G- Hair Complex

Post by intricate1 » Wed Jul 08, 2009 6:29 pm

Does anybody know some good topical for crown/ vertex cause I won't even try a&g for that, I use rogain foam and that doesn't do anything. Can spectra dnc help better?

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Dr.AQ » Wed Jul 08, 2009 9:48 pm

goten574 wrote:I don't remember if I asked this before so anyway...

Dr AQ, prior to using Hair Complex, did you have male pattern baldness or was it another type of hair loss?
My hair was thinning from the front and my scalp was getting visible.
I am still looking for a picture to show, I did not forget.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by goten574 » Thu Jul 09, 2009 8:17 am

Dr.AQ wrote:
goten574 wrote:I don't remember if I asked this before so anyway...

Dr AQ, prior to using Hair Complex, did you have male pattern baldness or was it another type of hair loss?
My hair was thinning from the front and my scalp was getting visible.
I am still looking for a picture to show, I did not forget.
Does male pattern baldness run in your family Dr? do your brothers (if you have any), father, grandfather and possible uncles have male pattern baldness? Basically, does hair loss run in your family?

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G- Hair Complex

Post by Jacob » Thu Jul 09, 2009 9:20 am

I would like to know the what the ingreds are in the non-pg formula. Thanks :wink:

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G- Hair Complex

Post by intricate1 » Fri Jul 10, 2009 1:49 am

Doc what do you think of the drug lattice or hair by revitalsh, Ithey claim growth and thickness also. Does the hc have any potential in the eylashe market since it makes hair thicker and longer! Do u have any news on the lipo/nanosomes delivry for the hc?

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by hairikrishna » Fri Jul 10, 2009 10:43 am

goten574 wrote:
Does male pattern baldness run in your family Dr? do your brothers (if you have any), father, grandfather and possible uncles have male pattern baldness? Basically, does hair loss run in your family?

I believe the doc said his uncle suffered from thinning/balding scalp. His other family members not so much if at all. Hopefully we'll be able to see Dr. AQ's 'before' pic sometime this weekend.... right doc?

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G- Hair Complex

Post by nix » Fri Jul 10, 2009 11:49 am

Dr. AQ are you able to make a topical with WNT proteins in it like Histogen? That would be ****** awesome.
A few weeks ago I came across this paper and forgot about it and now kofi from alt.baldspot posted it.

One more question. If I use the hair complex too often, may it happen that my own cells don't produce those growth factors anymore because I already got enough (from the hair complex). so the question is, is there a negative feedback loop? please tell me everything you know.

Liposomal packaging generates Wnt protein with in vivo biological activity.

Morrell NT, Leucht P, Zhao L, Kim JB, ten Berge D, Ponnusamy K, Carre AL, Dudek H, Zachlederova M, McElhaney M, Brunton S, Gunzner J, Callow M, Polakis P, Costa M, Zhang XM, Helms JA, Nusse R. Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Department of Surgery, Stanford University, Stanford, California, United States of America.

Wnt signals exercise strong cell-biological and regenerative effects of considerable therapeutic value. There are, however, no specific Wnt agonists and no method for in vivo delivery of purified Wnt proteins. Wnts contain lipid adducts that are required for activity and we exploited this lipophilicity by packaging purified Wnt3a protein into lipid vesicles. Rather than being encapsulated, Wnts are tethered to the liposomal surface, where they enhance and sustain Wnt signaling in vitro. Molecules that effectively antagonize soluble Wnt3a protein but are ineffective against the Wnt3a signal presented by a cell in a paracrine or autocrine manner are also unable to block liposomal Wnt3a activity, suggesting that liposomal packaging mimics the biological state of active Wnts. When delivered subcutaneously, Wnt3a liposomes induce hair follicle neogenesis, demonstrating their robust biological activity in a regenerative context.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G

Post by Dr.AQ » Fri Jul 10, 2009 9:18 pm

goten574 wrote:
Dr.AQ wrote:
goten574 wrote:I don't remember if I asked this before so anyway...

Dr AQ, prior to using Hair Complex, did you have male pattern baldness or was it another type of hair loss?
My hair was thinning from the front and my scalp was getting visible.
I am still looking for a picture to show, I did not forget.
Does male pattern baldness run in your family Dr? do your brothers (if you have any), father, grandfather and possible uncles have male pattern baldness? Basically, does hair loss run in your family?
Only my uncles have MPB. My dad is almost 70 and has his full hair. I have not seen my grandfathers.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G- Hair Complex

Post by Dr.AQ » Fri Jul 10, 2009 9:31 pm

intricate1 wrote:Doc what do you think of the drug lattice or hair by revitalsh, Ithey claim growth and thickness also. Does the hc have any potential in the eylashe market since it makes hair thicker and longer! Do u have any news on the lipo/nanosomes delivry for the hc?
Do you mean Latisse ?? We were planing to come out with an eyelash product but we stopped once Latisse came out. It will be foolish if we come out with it in the same time and go head to head with Allergan. A&G is not there yet :( .
The product does work, I've seen the data and the results. The only thing I have some reservations about are the side effects. Time will tell!

I am still looking into the nanosomes, there are many things need to be considered before adding it to the HC.
Last edited by Dr.AQ on Fri Jul 10, 2009 9:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G- Hair Complex

Post by Dr.AQ » Fri Jul 10, 2009 9:48 pm

nix wrote:Dr. AQ are you able to make a topical with WNT proteins in it like Histogen? That would be ****** awesome.
A few weeks ago I came across this paper and forgot about it and now kofi from alt.baldspot posted it.

One more question. If I use the hair complex too often, may it happen that my own cells don't produce those growth factors anymore because I already got enough (from the hair complex). so the question is, is there a negative feedback loop? please tell me everything you know.

Liposomal packaging generates Wnt protein with in vivo biological activity.

Morrell NT, Leucht P, Zhao L, Kim JB, ten Berge D, Ponnusamy K, Carre AL, Dudek H, Zachlederova M, McElhaney M, Brunton S, Gunzner J, Callow M, Polakis P, Costa M, Zhang XM, Helms JA, Nusse R. Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Department of Surgery, Stanford University, Stanford, California, United States of America.

Wnt signals exercise strong cell-biological and regenerative effects of considerable therapeutic value. There are, however, no specific Wnt agonists and no method for in vivo delivery of purified Wnt proteins. Wnts contain lipid adducts that are required for activity and we exploited this lipophilicity by packaging purified Wnt3a protein into lipid vesicles. Rather than being encapsulated, Wnts are tethered to the liposomal surface, where they enhance and sustain Wnt signaling in vitro. Molecules that effectively antagonize soluble Wnt3a protein but are ineffective against the Wnt3a signal presented by a cell in a paracrine or autocrine manner are also unable to block liposomal Wnt3a activity, suggesting that liposomal packaging mimics the biological state of active Wnts. When delivered subcutaneously, Wnt3a liposomes induce hair follicle neogenesis, demonstrating their robust biological activity in a regenerative context.
A&G is not planning in using Wnt anytime soon. I don't think the data are strong and it can't be applied topically based on the abstract above.
Back to the Q&A
This is a good question !!
Using high concentration of GFs in high frequency might cause a negative feedback as well as causing a local systematic shock. The HC have GFs in small concentrations, enough to stimulate the local tissue but weak to cause a damage.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G- Hair Complex

Post by Dr.AQ » Fri Jul 10, 2009 10:07 pm

Jacob wrote:I would like to know the what the ingreds are in the non-pg formula. Thanks :wink:
The same just without the PG. We had to adjust it to make it more stable. Remember, there wasn't a lot of PG to start with, that's why I was surprised by the reaction.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G- Hair Complex

Post by Jacob » Sat Jul 11, 2009 11:46 am

Dr.AQ wrote:
Jacob wrote:I would like to know the what the ingreds are in the non-pg formula. Thanks :wink:
The same just without the PG. We had to adjust it to make it more stable. Remember, there wasn't a lot of PG to start with, that's why I was surprised by the reaction.
But it's the 3rd ingred in the list. So there's more of it than the other ingreds behind it..right? I'm not sure how you remove it w/out adding anything to it- pg was used and is used by others for a reason...hmmmm.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G- Hair Complex

Post by Dr.AQ » Sun Jul 12, 2009 11:08 am

The same just without the PG. We had to adjust it to make it more stable. Remember, there wasn't a lot of PG to start with, that's why I was surprised by the reaction.[/quote]

But it's the 3rd ingred in the list. So there's more of it than the other ingreds behind it..right? I'm not sure how you remove it w/out adding anything to it- pg was used and is used by others for a reason...hmmmm.[/quote]

Jacob we are not like other companies and having the PG in 3rd order does not mean there was a lot of it.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G- Hair Complex

Post by Jacob » Sun Jul 12, 2009 1:32 pm

Dr.AQ wrote:The same just without the PG. We had to adjust it to make it more stable. Remember, there wasn't a lot of PG to start with, that's why I was surprised by the reaction.
But it's the 3rd ingred in the list. So there's more of it than the other ingreds behind it..right? I'm not sure how you remove it w/out adding anything to it- pg was used and is used by others for a reason...hmmmm.[/quote]

Jacob we are not like other companies and having the PG in 3rd order does not mean there was a lot of it.[/quote]

But there's more of it than the other ingreds behind it, right? There's some law about that from what I understand.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G- Hair Complex

Post by chore boy » Sun Jul 12, 2009 5:22 pm


You mind telling us how HFCM grows hair?

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G- Hair Complex

Post by Dr.AQ » Sun Jul 12, 2009 7:47 pm

Jacob we are not like other companies and having the PG in 3rd order does not mean there was a lot of it.[/quote]

But there's more of it than the other ingreds behind it, right? There's some law about that from what I understand.[/quote]

What happen if the ingredients are added in equal quantities??
Yes, usually the order in which the ingredients are listed determine their volume. However, the ingredient list order does not show how much % of the substance in there. PG was removed and the rest of the ingredients made up for the missing PG.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G- Hair Complex

Post by Dr.AQ » Sun Jul 12, 2009 7:54 pm

chore boy wrote:Doc,

You mind telling us how HFCM grows hair?
The HFCM does not grow hair, what in that media, help in hair growth and scalp rejuvenation. If you want to know the mechanism of action, I am not able to do that at this time.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G- Hair Complex

Post by Jacob » Sun Jul 12, 2009 8:10 pm

So there is more PG than the other ingredients behind it. :wink:

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G- Hair Complex

Post by intricate1 » Sun Jul 12, 2009 11:37 pm

Doc I remember you telling me that if one is on testosterone the hc does not work, could that be the reason that some people are not getting the results like others? The reason being they just have to much excess dht in their body? Could you tell me what would be the shortest break between each treatment would be ideal?

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G- Hair Complex

Post by Dr.AQ » Mon Jul 13, 2009 7:54 am

intricate1 wrote:Doc I remember you telling me that if one is on testosterone the hc does not work, could that be the reason that some people are not getting the results like others? The reason being they just have to much excess dht in their body? Could you tell me what would be the shortest break between each treatment would be ideal?
Yes, during our study one of the doctors informed us of 2 participants who were under testosterone therapy and wanted to include them in the study. The 2 gentlemen showed poor respond to AGHC and another clinic reported similar results. From the 3 incidents above, we concluded that its best if the HC is used when patients are not taking testosterone.
I think 6-8 weeks will be best.

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G- Hair Complex

Post by worldwar » Mon Jul 13, 2009 10:39 am

So, does this mean those people who take finasteride or dutasteride and hence have elevated testosterone would poorly respond to the HC?

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G- Hair Complex

Post by intricate1 » Mon Jul 13, 2009 10:56 am

worldwar wrote:So, does this mean those people who take finasteride or dutasteride and hence have elevated testosterone would poorly respond to the HC?
No we are not talking about testosterone it's dht from testosterone that is tge concern. Finasteride works great with the hc I just can't take it cause of the sides

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G- Hair Complex

Post by intricate1 » Tue Jul 14, 2009 2:31 am

Embryonic stem cells used to regenerate hair on mice in Japan

Apr 20, Medicine & Health/Research
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A university lecturer in Japan has succeeded in regenerating hair on mice using embryonic stem cells, an achievement that could pave the way for the development of treatments for conditions including hair loss, it has been learned.
Details of the breakthrough, by Mariko Yamaki of Matsumoto Dental University, will be published in the May edition of The Japanese Society for Regenerative Medicine magazine.

The work involved taking skin cells and combining them with mesenchymal stem cells _ multipotent stem cells that develop into various organs of the body -- to regenerate hair. Yamaki said it would be difficult to regenerate hair using only embryonic stem cells.

Yamaki extracted mesenchymal stem cells taken from the teeth of mice embryos and mixed them with mice embryonic stem cells, which form the basis of skin cells. The clumps resulting from the mix were then nurtured.

It was later found that about 40 percent of the 48 clumps had one or two hairs growing from them. When protein, which quickens growth, is added, the hair growth rate increased to about 60 percent, Yamaki said.

Hair growth was observed on all 12 mice that had the clumps implanted on their back muscles.

Hair papilaries, which supply nourishment to the hair, also were found to have formed on the back muscle.

"If embryonic stem cells are combined with mesenchymal stem cells, which perform a number of other functions, a different organ can probably be created," Yamaki said. "The first thing I want to try to do is regenerate hair using human embryonic stem cells."


(c) 2009, The Yomiuri Shimbun.
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Doc any thoughts?

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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G- Hair Complex

Post by hairikrishna » Tue Jul 14, 2009 8:03 am

Great article intricate1! I wonder how far the Japanese researchers have come along since this article was posted in April of this year. Can't wait to hear the doc's response.

I really believe the HC is just one of many other treatments or dare I use the word cures that will be coming out soon. For all of us here it couldn't come anytime sooner. I'm already at week 15 since starting HC and although there has been some gains I was anticipating something more dramatic. I am nothing if not patient so I'll continue to monitor until August at which point I'll be exploring other options. I am also looking into having PRP done in Vancouver BC before year's end. I feel that 2010 will be the turning point for Histogen and other companies that will bring their products to market. At this point HC will have to do. My hand-held digital microscope arrives by mail tomorrow so I'll be able to take some pictures and video even to show what is going on with my scalp. To this day I'm still experiencing breakouts in random areas on my scalp. Many of them are along my front hairline in no specific area. The scalp inflammation and breakouts have been such a nuisance since using HC that I purchased Redkin Scalp Relief Oil Detox with lipacide. The product claims to balance scalp PH levels while removing oils. Also, I'll be traveling to Oahu on Thursday to restore my magnesium levels by swimming in the ocean and balancing my Vitamin D levels all at the same time. While there I'll be meeting with this stylist featured on youtube. Check it out.


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Re: Q&A for Dr. AQ of A&G- Hair Complex

Post by Dr.AQ » Tue Jul 14, 2009 4:25 pm

Sound interesting, I will read about it and maybe arrange for a meeting with the group while in Japan. I should be back there sometime this year.

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